A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Spore Valley is being remade in 2.5D! Check out the full game here, where you'll find more gameplay, improved balance, reworked art, and more!


An engine-builder where you try to complete the life cycle of a strange alien slime by growing different bioforms. You only have a narrow range of habitable soil around the river within which to grow, which is how I implemented the “Limited Space” theme. You can grow different bioforms on different tiles depending on what you already have next to those tiles, what you have on the map, and what resources you have.

Click on tiles to open a growth menu in the lower left, then click on a bioform to grow on that tile. The Help button also opens a page detailing all possible bioforms and their requirements and uses.

When you're ready to advance to the next turn (which is when resource income and upkeep are calculated), click the Next Turn button in the upper right.

You can sometimes grow new bioforms on top of existing ones!


This was my first project using Godot! It was kind of a crash course, and I ran out of time before I could implement the amount of audiovisual polish I would have liked, but I really enjoyed learning the engine’s basics and playing around with this game concept.

Updated 2 days ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
AuthorGuerric Haché
Tags4X, Godot, Ludum Dare 54, Slime
LinksLudum Dare


spore_valley_ld54.zip 78 MB
spore_valley_ld54_MAC.zip 135 MB

Install instructions

Download the ZIP file and unzip wherever you want it. Currently, only the Windows version has been tested. Feel free to report any issues with both versions though, and I'll do what I can to resolve them.

Development log

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